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"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God"
The Children's Bible

   THE BIBLE contains the foundations on which the religious life of the child must be built. The immortal stories and songs of the Old and New Testaments are his richest inheritance from the past. To give him this heritage in language and form that he can understand and enjoy is the duty and privilege of his parents and teachers.

   This version of the Children's Bible is divided into three sections for ease of use, with a print version of each story available for off-line use:

    - The Old Testament
    - Psalms and Proverbs
    - The New Testament

Children in the Bible

   SOME OF THE CHILDREN in the Bible eventually became great leaders, such as Moses and David. However there are lessons to be learned for young and old from the many brief appearances of children who are sometimes un-named, or seem to play a minor part.

   These stories can be printed, and read aloud to your children as a lesson showing that God can use even the youngest among us.

"The boy Samuel hears God's call"

"Robert Edward Lee riding his chestnut horse, Grace Darling."
Biographies for Children

   IN EVERY COUNTRY there have been certain men and women whose busy lives have made the world better or wiser. The names of such are heard so often that every child should know a few facts about them. It is hoped the very short stories told here may make boys and girls eager to learn more about these famous people.

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